Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Berlin, Germany

frank is funkasaurus rex. also, my hero.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

videos like these get me every time

via pardon my ffrench

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


Sunday, May 9, 2010


A few days in Dublin, following Portugal during my spring break --

Dublin was awesome, I loved having a small, few day break back in an english-speaking country.  It was like going home for a few days.  In fact, it was a lot like Madison: cold weather, coffee shops everywhere, filled with enthusiastic drinkers.  But, unlike Madison, where it's a lot of the college students mainly filling the bars, in Dublin, it really is a community past time.  The pubs were packed, no matter what day it was, with people of all ages and groups.  And, the affinity for Guinness is not overrated, they totally love it there.  
My friend and I also got the opportunity to couch surf.  It was my first time and i think it went spectacularly.  The two guys we stayed with were super generous, friendly, and great story tellers.  I highly recommend couch surfing (with a friend).  Our couchsurfing friend also introduced us the game of rugby.  We went with him to watch it at a pub, and as an American without ever seeing the sport, it's an absolutely hilarious but super impressive sport. 

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Trinity College

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